What do we mean by Spiritual Being and Human being Spiritual. Jesus along with many great Spiritual Leaders and Philosophers spoke about the importance of one’s Spiritual Growth, their awareness, discoveries and experience here on earth as Spirits in Human Form.
Our Spirit grows as we continue to live this is known as evolving, we evolve through stages, the final stage of one’s Spiritual Growth or Spiritual Evolving over the centuries has categorically been classified as Awakening of the Spirit, Enlightenment or One’s Salvation.
The human as a whole is made up of the mind, body, emotions and spirit. The spirit part of the human is invisible to us we cannot see with our human eye unless we are giving the grace from our Divine Yahuah or Divine God to see. Individual spirit exist and it is the transformation into Human Form when one is born. Spirit is mostly often known as Soul and the human body is the inhabitable place through which it experiments earthly things, feel and touch.
Looking at our world and all its natural inhabitant if we should take away anything designed and created by Humans everything else if it has natural essence will have Spirit. This is more observable and evident in some than others for instance humans, plants and animals will have their own individual spirit since there is a life cycle in terms of life, death and reproduction.
Spiritual Being
What do we mean by Spiritual Being. Spirituality is rooted in the word Spirit as mentioned in previous post Spirituality. The term spiritual has its association with spirituality, some may not believe in Spirit because they cannot see it physically but spirit do exist. Spirit is like the Human Shadow Dark in colour. God our Divine Creator is Spirit and on this basis God created the Human in His form, image and likeness as Spirit born Human. When God gives you the Grace and blesses you with an open eyes you can see the Spirit.
Being means ‘existence’ from the dictionary thus ‘Spiritual being’ means ‘spirit existence’ since Spiritual has its association from the Word Spirituality which is rooted in the word Spirit this is a strong evidence Spirit do exist. Spirits or Individuals spirit or soul with gifted Spiritual powers with connection to their human form can be known as Spiritual Being.
With spirit existing within us, we all can be classified as Spiritual Beings especially when we have spiritual powers, we can become full active Spiritual Beings when we go through our purification process which we can start ourselves or by Nature with the final initiation done by God our Creator to become Divine that is Light, we self-actualise, pursue our Divine soul purpose and life mission, live as our Divine Higher-self that is our Spirit or Soul as well as a relationship with God through our unique personal spiritual practices to lead us back to our Divine Source. Doing all these things and many more is what we classify ourselves as truly Being Spiritual a Holy living. Living a Spiritual Life.
Human Being Spiritual
Human is our Physical self, seeing our physical self is called Human. “Human being” means “human existence” as Being means Existence. It is advisable and important for our life activities to be always be an integration of our spirit or soul and our human form working together harmoniously if not we become dysfunctional imbalance. If our heart which is where our spirit dwells desires are not fulfilled this can lead to emotional distress in many forms.
Being spiritual is a personal initiative. Deciding to integrate certain unique personal spiritual practices such as prayers, personal values, eating healthy, recycling among others into daily routines makes us brand ourselves as also being spiritual a Holy life in this case Human Being Spiritual this is categorise as one’s Divine personal spirituality.
Living a spiritual life as Human being spiritual with specific spiritual practices does not only yield personal benefits like self growth, self discovery and awareness with many beautiful discoveries for the self but it also help to acknowledge and become One with our Divine Source God this help with one’s Faith in times of obstacles needing perseverance and endurance. It is also the window of opportunity where one takes the initiation to start their purification process.
As you progress through your Divine path as a Spiritual Being living a Spiritual life with the Human self being spiritual you will realise that your Divine personal spirituality has been enhance. You get to know your Divine Higher-self (spirit or soul) better you will soon realise that your Divine Higher-self is a reflection of who you are on the outside as human.
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