FaithGod Privacy

Privacy Policy

Faith takes privacy of customers seriously. Faith website is secured by SSL to protect User sensitive information such as login details to safeguard personal data.

The User acknowledges that it is essential for Faith to collect, process, and use User data in order to process information for Faith website to function properly. Personal Identifiable Information collected are not pass on to outside third parties for trade or otherwise. This does not include trusted third parties whose services or products (plugins) are used for the running of Faith website.

Data Usage

Data collected on Faith may include signing up to website emailing list, form queries and sporadic surveys responses. These information will be use for marketing purposes, provide effective service and to personalise User experience when individuals need response to enquiries or a service.

For signup Users at the bottom of each email there will be a link to Unsubscribe from Faith emailing list at any time. During registration, please ensure you check your inbox immediately after submitting the signup form as you will receive a confirmation email to verify your email address before being recognised to go on the emailing list. If you disregard this email, you will not receive any further communications. Third party like Google has been used for user insight and GoDaddy subscribing plugin has been used to collect email data to share information in order for Faith to process and send Subscribers Newsletters.


Faith uses cookies to ensure better User experience. Tools like Google Analytics, and other third-party applications are used to enhance website. By continuing to browse you consent to the use of cookies place on your computer. You can manage cookies from the browser of your device setting.

Website Content

All website content, including images and documentation published that are on Faith are the property of Faith. Any intention to use websites content must be authorised in advanced. Any replicated websites content shall not be used or exploited for commercial or non-commercial purposes without prior written consent of Faith.

Disclaimer page
