As souls having human experience in life it is vital we maintain that close relationship with our Creator God who is our Divine source. Practicing spirituality with God should be our ultimate goal, no time is wasted when you practice Spirituality with God.
Previous post on Spirituality defines what it is and how it can be grouped into two categories as a working definition to assist in recognising what Spirituality is in Life. The first is Spirituality in general and the second is Divine Personal Spirituality this is where the individual acknowledges the existence of a Divine Source in life so connect with this Divine Source who is God to have a meaningful relationship through the practicing of spirituality. They purify the self and experience through faith, trust, believe and individual spiritual practices. Spiritual practices varies from person to person, prayers are one example we pray directly to God our Creator.
We are presently experiencing earthly purification, as it continuous swiftly amongst mankind, people are awakening, old belief systems are been questioned, truth as to who we truly are emerges. People are finding new ways to practice and connect to God as they alter their lives and live as spiritual beings.
From the way things are approaching possible in future since there is only one God, one may have to acknowledge our Divine Source and then link to create individual’s own relationship with Him through personal spirituality.
If you intend on perusing a spiritual journey or live a spiritual life, then practicing spirituality with God will be ideal.This will not only be a stepping stone for your closeness to the Source or wellbeing but also you get prepared for the coming of the Divine’s instigated purification process if you haven’t already been through it.
If you’re interested in making a start of your Spiritual journey by purifying yourself or need some advice on how to approach things then do have a look at a couple of my previous post this addresses how individuals can begin from Beginner stage followed by Intermediate or Maturity stage.
There are other associated advantages of practicing spirituality with God besides those already stated above.
You build a direct relationship with your Creator God on personal level.
You turn a new leaf that is Repentance from the old self (darkness) to New (pure Light) sacred Holy.
Discovering your real identity self-knowledge of your Divine Higher-self (Spirit or Soul) and becoming confident.
You know what you represent and stand for as life becomes meaningful.
Convening your Divine soul purpose, life mission and other areas of interest to explore.
Awareness of your life path, where you truly belong. Being at the right place, right time, and doing what you are destined to do with joy of the heart and peace of mind.
Your life work will involve achieving your aim as well as helping others, the community and society.
Realisation of core natural strengths and talents.
You become a spiritual being as you reach maturity with your personal spirituality.
There is a chance you may unearth your Divine spiritual gift(s) if its destined.
You will achieve Inner peace and fulfilment.
Lastly you have something to look back on as achievements when you’re old.