Divine Soul Purpose And Life Mission

Plan Ideas Divine Soul Purpose

Divine soul purpose and life mission is destined for each and everyone of us. Life don’t just take us anywhere, the places we go to and the things we do are most often part of our purpose of coming to earth. 

One cannot live here on earth without working to live and meet their daily necessities such as food, clothing and shelter. A career or profession is a must for all of us. What we aspire to do when we are older in order to make earn means is within and large part of our Divine soul purpose and life mission. Assuming for instance most part of our lives from the very young age we gain the opportunity to enter into education after graduation we seek to enter into a career where some of us believe is what we really want but unfortunately there are times they do not turn out to be what we expected. There are others who without education would have tried various things before finally finding what feels like it is what they were born to be doing. Others are however fortunate to discover from the very early age their Divine soul purpose and life mission. 

A majority of us falls into the category of not knowing precisely the reason why we were born. Discovering our Divine soul purpose and life mission suddenly makes this all clear and meaningful. You will acknowledge you are not here just for the sake of being here. 

We do have a Creator and Father who is God who is here on earth with us in Spirit. Everything that is natural was and is created by our Divine God as well as those that are man-made are achieved through the help of God and His Helpers of Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters. We agreed to collaborate and help our Divine God at certain point in life as part of our coming to earth this lies in our Divine soul purpose and life mission. This makes our presence here more worthwhile and meaningful to fulfil the purpose of the existence of earth which is a school ground for us spirit in human form. 

The start of one’s stepping fully into their Divine soul purpose and life mission through the revelation from our Divine God I realised is usually around the age of 30. If we are to look for evidence to validate this then there are many, for example our Messiah Master Jesus Christ and the time he stepped into his Divine soul purpose and life mission as well as Master David there was a good reason why Master David had to wait for a while after being anointed and he patiently did and so did Master Jesus after performing miracles at the age of 12 years old but had to wait.

The time between when one spends whether through education at a young age or exploring life before stepping into or discovering their Divine soul purpose and life mission are all opportunities. Life experience in the form of situations, challenges, difficulties, trials and test are all to spiritually evolve and enrich us in order to enable us step confidently into our Divine soul purpose and life mission which we normally refer to us calling. 

Another understanding and revelation I received thanks to Master Enoch who revealed that anointing we pray and seek from our Divine God is not generally any prayer of blessing but rather it is a prayer for our Divine God to bless and help us know our Divine soul purpose and life mission. This is a blessing but very specific request an example is Master David and how he got anointed along with a few others this can be found in our Scriptural Text. I did not know this was the case considering so many of us run away from our calling to collaborate and help our Divine God. 

Prayers of anointment from our Divine God is a worthy prayer for every one of us to go to our Father to have at a very young age seeing as this is very specific, our Divine God blessing us with the reason why we are born unlocks everything which we all seek on earth when we reach certain age and think we need to do something if not we can not survive. We need to earn to live, provide for our families, shelter, food and clothing. The intrinsic reward of feeling you have a purpose to fulfil on earth lies in our Divine soul purpose and life mission.  

There Are Several Advantages Of Stepping In Your Divine Soul Purpose And Life Mission

Stepping into our Divine soul purpose and life mission brings the income we seek. The fall of man has been our disobedience and stubbornness not to pursue our Divine soul purpose and life mission now we witness where this has lead us when our Divine God gave us the freedom to do what we like with our lives. To most of us it may feel like we are here without any specific reason except just to suffer. Some may feel or think at this time this should not have been an issue but it was back then and continue to be so, a struggle for many.

There are other advantages besides spiritually evolving from stepping into your Divine soul purpose and earning income to meet your daily necessities. From my experience there is a difference between a career choice which is outside your Divine soul purpose and life mission and when you step into your Divine soul purpose and life mission. Although you may feel as if you are in a career where you think it is what you want and may meet your skills and interest but you may not feel fulfilled. There is going to be a void in your heart. I see this as meeting the demands of the outside of your world and not the ins of your being. Besides, you will feel as if you can do more than you are currently doing and can achieve more. 

There is also the feeling of there is a world of possibilities out there for you, at this point you might begin to think but how can I do this? There are some clues, ideas may come up in your head which isn’t just about you but evolve around others, your community, society and our world. Some of us may think our ideas are too ambitious and impossible to be achieved when we look at current circumstances it may take some time. Some may wonder just how can this be done. At this time and era there is nothing too impossible to be done when it’s your Divine soul purpose and life mission with the help of our Divine God and His Helpers of Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters this is possible.   

When you pursue your Divine soul purpose and life mission that void in your heart get filled regardless where life leads you. There is fullness within your heart as well as seeing the outside of you being filled, you feel complete. It may feel like nothing matters any more, no matter the circumstances or situation that arise from your new path which is your Divine soul purpose and life mission you are fully into it with mind, body, emotions and spirit. Also, you will feel as if you are one with the Universe which is our Divine God. 

You Are Not Self-fish When You Pursue Your Divine Soul Purpose And Life Mission

I realised at some point that each possess unique Divine soul purpose and life mission brings fairness to our world and so many other advantages since our Divine soul purpose and life mission is not individualistic but rather a collective whole. You spiritually evolve while helping others, our communities, societies and our world when you pursue your Divine soul purpose and life mission. 

Additionally, your natural skills, abilities, talents, educated or not and life experience are all a contributing factor since our coming here is very specific tailored to us and our life mission. Besides, our Divine personal spirituality is never the same as others so when you step into what you know is your Divine soul purpose and life mission it is going to be so unique and personal hard for anyone to imitate. You become the specialist in your field which then connects and link to help others. 

Some of us seek to be empowered, help change our world, help others, be known for the talent or natural skills and abilities we have and be recognise for helping our communities these you can achieve and possibly more when you step into your Divine soul purpose and life mission.

Divine soul purpose and life mission is not always one becoming a Pastor, what I have come to understand and realised thanks to the help from our Divine God, my Masters, Holy Mary and Mary Magdalene is any human activity that help others, our communities, societies and our world are all a collaborative work and helping our Divine God. These activities bring a positive change which is Light in essence, they assist the purpose for our coming to earth. Many of these are evident to us and we sometimes term these people as “they were born to do this”. Some of us complain why others were born with such luck and not others, the truth is we all have it and they are in our hearts which is link to our Divine God.

The first point of direction and contact one need to seek when trying to discover their Divine soul purpose and life mission the reason why they were born is through prayers to our Divine God.  

Our Divine God really need Us to accept our calling which is our Divine soul purpose and life mission. If your heart is telling you something pay some attention to it and start a relationship with our Divine God to help you step fully into your Divine soul purpose and life mission. You are not reading this just by chance.      

One tip I will give no matter what the challenges may be when you step into your Divine soul purpose and life mission do what you were born to be doing here on earth from the heart and out of love. 

Thank you our Divine Father God. 

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