Be Thankful For Little Things In Life

Three little birds

We hardly notice and appreciate the little things we have in life. They are the very things that makes us happy and alive. Be thankful for the little things in life. They make a huge difference. Take them away and we feel lost, like we’ve misplaced something.

Recognise the little things in life and be thankful for them helps eliminate some of life pressures.

God provides for us big, medium, small or little things, these comes our way to help us fulfil our life purpose on earth. Those we may classify as little are in fact not what they may look like, they add value to our everyday life.

By paying some attention to the little things we have in life and being grateful for having them can bring us happiness and enhance our relationship with God. An appreciative heart is gold, this is a Light quality.  Little things in life are not little, they are giving by God right from our Divine’s heart and out of pure Divine Love. Our Father God is loving, be thankful for the little things you may classify as little in life.

God and His Helpers of Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters are merciful and loving Divine Beings providing for us. Never underestimate what you have, there is happiness in being thankful for the little things you have in life.

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