Be Positive No Matter What And Use Your Divine Spiritual Gifts Talent And Skills

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Positive things come to you when you are positive in everything you do. Depending on how you view yourself that is what comes back to you, so be positive no matter what and use your Divine Spiritual gifts, talent and Skills.

New Divine Law of Attractions, what you imagine and envision is what you get. View yourself in a positive light and attract abundance of this. Be positive no matter what the circumstances and situations are to use your Divine gifts.

Try if you can sustain, dodge if you can, and at times smile to achieve a positive outcome. Laugh through the storm, if possible, no matter what life throw at you. There is healing in doing so.

Being Positive Can Get Us To Places

Life is a huge stage drama. Every one of us has a story behind our existence. Self-love and acceptance of who we are can get us to so many places and that is being positive. Embrace yourself, your perfections and imperfections, beauty and all the gifts you have in life.

You already are beautiful the way you are, see yourself and our world in a positive light and so shall it be under the New Divine Law of Attraction.

Be Positive And Use Your Divine Spiritual Gifts Talents And Skills

Be positive about pursuing your passion and interest, let no one stand in your way. If you have precious Divine spiritual gifts God gave them to us upon being born to Earth to use them for the good of the self and for all, they must be utilised. They are all part of positivity. Your spiritual gifts, natural talents and skills are what makes you unique.

They are very much needed in today’s world. We are being purified, your contributions no matter how small will and can make a big difference. Our Divine will appreciate every effort you put in, as it is better than doing nothing at all. This helps to eliminate one’s stress and have a positive outlook for one’s wellbeing.

Be bold, confident and take a step forward to use your Divine given gifts. Know that our Divine is with you and that our Creator, God will support you in addition to His Divine armies of Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters, they are all here in numbers to help.

Mother Earth need all of us. People like you and I can come together with one accord and a common goal to help. Let’s make Mother Earth the Sacred place it is. God is doing His marvelousness by healing Mother Earth. The Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters have all joined in to liberate Humanity. Come let’s all coordinate and help too.

With common goals, positivity in yourself and our world we can conquer together, make Mother Earth the most beautiful place we all want it to be and to see. She is already beautiful, come let’s polish her to make her even more glamorous.

Be positive, it is possible for us to do this and for you to share in this to make history for our era of generation by using your Divine spiritual gifts, talents and skills. Take no for an answer, be positive and pursue your passion. Use your natural talents and skills.

Believe and have faith in God and His Helpers of Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters knowing that they are behind you. They will support your cause as you decide to take up the challenge to promote yourself growth with your Divine gifts and help Mother Nature.

Be positive to get a positive result and so shall it be under God’s New Divine Law of Attraction! Good attracts good so does positive thinking initiates positive result.

Thank God and His Helpers of Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters, and His Kingdom for the beauty we see in our world and all He provide us. May His Kingdom reign and flourish forever and ever. Amen!

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