Divine Spirits Angels Supporting Us Daily

Support with Numbers pieces of wood

Angels do support us on daily basis, their activities in our lives becomes very evident when we make a prayer request or in times of desperate needs. As stated in one of my previous post, Angels are like us in terms of their characteristics, the only difference is that they are Spirits, Divine Light Beings. There are Angels who have been here on earth before while others haven’t.

Angels Comfort Us

Angels comfort us, imagine being alone all by yourself or in a situation where you are in deep thought about something, perhaps hurt feelings but then suddenly out from nowhere comes an old funny joke or smoothing song playing. You may think just where is this coming from, this is how intuitively at times our Angels comfort us. It may not occur to us this way but our Angels always try to heal us when we go through tough times, when such instances happen besides comforting you and putting a smile back on your face you may also experience the following:

+ A feel of nurturing

+ Caring

+ Love with Divine attachment in essence

+ You get the feeling your Angels understands your situation

+ And it will never be just any random song when it comes to mind


If it ever happens that songs starts to play interrupting you while you are in a very deep thought this will not be from your Angels, remember we are connected by our thoughts. There are times certain Beings Spirits Evil or Human with great capabilities do have the capacity to instigate songs in your head.

Songs from your Angels will also not be on constant repeat playing in your head at all times without stopping. Your Angels will not ask you to harm yourself or others. When any of these happens pray without ceasing as there might be evil influences as it happened to me, I realised this was the case through a revelation from God. 

Angels Provide Life Solutions And Ideas

Angels do have the perfect solutions to life situations. One would wonder how ideas, solutions and inventions comes to mind. You may have tried tireless to invent something or put together an idea but with no success, just as you decide to give up or pray believing and hoping for a solution a break through comes your way. These are all Divine interventions, something will click a clue comes to mind or more ideas than you could ever have expected.

Our Angels knows our efforts and intentions. They are always around us and are willing to give us a helping hand when we thrive. When we use our available talents, skills, spiritual gifts and at times external resources to invent something for the common good of all solutions and ideas comes in abundance in many forms to aid us.

Our Angels Protect, Encourage, Inspire, Reward And Discipline

Angels are there to protect, encourage, inspire and lead us to become Light never will they lead you to do evil or bad. They love us for who we are and would encourage us to pursue our Divine soul purpose and Life Mission. Angels are God’s Helpers and everything they do are done out of pure Divine love. They are like our guardians in spirit. We get the necessary rewards for work well done. Similarly, when we misbehave we get necessary discipline. It will never be evil. You may remember your actions on certain occasions the follow up consequences.

For instance, good opportunities came your way when you did a good deed. Likewise, when you swore or insulted a friend there were penalties that is things went horribly wrong or others may have told you off or you experienced similar incident at that moment if not later on like life is trying to teaching you a lesson a pay back of some sort.

Angels Communicate Through Technology

In recent times Angels have gone high-tech advancement, Angels use technology to communicate with us since most of our time are spent on the internet and on mobile phones. Angels use digital numbers and messages through computers, tablets, internet, mobile phones, digital clock, billboards and television to communicate with us.

The appearance of Angels Numbers is a contemporary digital means Angels use to get our attention and communicate. Each Angel Number has meaning and interpretations. God our Divine Father has adapted this additional approach to ensure convenience, constant contact and to assist us with our earthly mission while we go through our daily lives and during this purification era.

Angels communicating through technology in this modern time indicates how much our Creator God, and His Helpers of Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters care about us. Our Divine Spirits work harmoniously together to adapt viable ways in line with how evolve our world has become that is the rise in high-tech advancement to help us while we school here on earth. We are never left unaided. Our Divine Spirits are always with us.

How To Get In Touch With Your Angels

Pray to God, mean every word you say. God looks at us from the heart which is the dwelling place of our soul and not the physical so He understands and will know the Divinity within you. Humbly ask God to open your eyes and heart so you can be in touch with your Angels in order to work side by side with them. Your Angels will guide, teach, coach, encourage and mentor you as you change to become New.

Angelic Gateway Is Always Open

Once you get connected with your Angels it means the Angelic gateway is always open to you. Continuous communication with your Angels is essential, you have to stay in contacted with your Angels and God always. As you pray to God and your Angels be honest, open and communicate everything with them, fears, concerns and doubts, let it all out. Doing this will really help with your transitioning from the Old to the New since the concise intervention can be implemented so you and your Angels can work together more productively and cooperatively to progress. Prayers and meditations will enable you to stay strongly connected with God and your Angels as well as this will help you to continuously build your relationship with God.

Prayers being powerful spiritual practice and emotions of gratitude are vital to aid you. Always pray without ceasing and give thanks to God and your Angels in all things for their dedication and support in helping you through life and for all the blessings and those yet to come.

Thank you gracious God and Your Helpers of Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters.

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