Jesus Is Not God


God is our Creator and an Individual Being, Jesus is like a Son to Him. Jesus was born by Mary his mother and Joseph his father so Jesus is not God.

Some people get confuse to think Jesus is God our Divine Father but he is not. Jesus was born in Bethlehem the reason we celebrate Christmas. His good will on Earth coupled with miracles he performed make some praise him to be God. The Scriptures like the Holy Bible described how God created us in His Form and Image. Never in the Bible did Jesus described himself as God or to be God.  

God is Divine that is a pure Holy Spirit, he is sometimes referred to as our Father, He is Masculine. Jesus sometimes in the Bible referred to God as “Abba meaning Father” or ‘our Father” like the prayer he taught his Disciples “Our Father Who Art In Heaven”. 

Because God is known to be our Father that is our Creator and Jesus referring to Him as ‘His Father’ or ‘Our Father’ Jesus has been known to be referred to as ‘son of God’ or ‘God’s son’ Holy he was and as an anointed man he was at times referred to as Christ. Jesus died on the Cross.