The Cross Is A Symbol Of Our Creator God Existence


The cross is a symbol of our Creator God who is Divine and it represents our Creator’s Existence. This has been in existence even before the birth of Master Jesus. The cross represents the four corners of the earth namely North, South, East and West, a symbol for Christians. Christians use the cross as a representation of our Faith in our God and His Son Master Jesus Christ as a crucifix He was hang on.  

The cross can not only be found in churches but also if we should look all around us we can see them being worn as jewellery in the form of necklace by many, it is also a symbol on our pharmacist stores, hospitals and as a headstone on graves. 

Besides these most of us share testimonies about the power the cross holds to perform miracles. God being in spirit and Is Spirit since He is not in human form and earth being school ground for the soul or spirt as human with so many life changes, difficulties, test and trials the cross is a symbol to assures us of life solution coming to us if only we have faith and believe in God and His beloved son Master Jesus Christ His suffering on the Cross

There is no one under the sun who doesn’t have at least one life problem. The cross serves as a symbol and a representation of our Divine God being with us and that there are no life problems that can’t be solve by our Divine God. The Cross is for us, it symbolises us in our place on our behalf. It represent us, our struggling and our Faith in God and Master Jesus Christ His Son. By having strong faith, a believe and trusting in the cross as God being our Helper and being close to us in the heart which is the truth, you realise that there are comfort and healing in the cross.   

The cross is part of us and some of us love the cross. We sometimes use our fingers to make the sign of the cross, in the air or on objects. When we perform our individual prayers we may make the sign of the cross as well as when we finish praying. There are times we make the sign of the cross on our food when we are about to eat with follow up prayers, or when we feel ill and we also make the sign of the cross when we pray for others while in their presence. The cross is use as a decoration to symbolise our faith, the image below shows example of the Cross.  

To do the symbol or sign of the cross usually one of the fingers which is the tallest on the right hand is use to touch the forehead, then move down to the heart the chest are, followed by the left corner of your shoulder and then your right shoulder. Often some will kiss their finger. 


The cross has been in existence since the birth of Master Jesus Christ on earth. There have been many good testimonies with miracles when one uses the cross. The cross is a symbol and a representation of God and His Existence from the beginning and then later on the addition the coming of of Master Jesus Christ who was crucified on the Cross. The cross is a Divine spiritual symbol reminding us of our relationship with our Creator and Father God who Is and has always being.

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