In the past spirituality has been almost a taboo for many to openly talk about but lately especially in the United States this is no longer the case as there are growing interest.
Many people are passionately going on a quest to find their Divine spiritual side or start the journey of being spiritual by incorporating individual spiritual practices into their daily activities or a search for one’s Divine soul purpose and life mission.
There have been positive results, through spiritual quest some have found their spiritual gifts and are using these to serve the world. In addition to this, testimonies of encounters with Divine Spirits that include our Creator God, His Helpers of Archangels, Angels, and Ascended Masters are on the rise. Our Divine God, and His Helpers of Archangels, Angels, and Ascended Masters do provide support by communicating through various forms, guide, coach, mentor, provide signs and life strategies that assist individuals and enhance their way of living.
A quick Google search on Twin Flame will yield results from various Bloggers where authors and individuals have had encounter with God and God has given them insights as to the meaning of Twin Flame phenomena.
Spirituality and the positive impact
Spirituality in modern day is having a huge positive impact on people since almost every area of our life has some spiritual implications. Approaching life from spiritual perspective means you are able to take care of your whole Being as decisions takes into account the mind, body, emotions and spirit. For instance, one is able to view the body with respect and appreciation since it’s like a temple, the dwelling place of our Divine Higher-self (Spirit or Soul). And our mind as individuals would rather have positive thoughts than negativities or utilise the mind to think and contemplate on beneficial spiritual aspect of life as it broadens the mind and produce wisdom.
Being spiritual does not only improves one’s wellbeing of spiritual aspect, but also mind, body (physical), emotions and social aspects. Besides, and more importantly it connects individuals to build more meaningful relationship with God. Daily activities such as praying, exercising, meditation, eating healthy food etc are all spiritual practices which help take good care of the self.
This wave of enthusiasm in Spirituality is sweeping across the oceans and here in the United Kingdom there have been a slow deliberate rise in awareness to be Spiritual.