Angels Who Are They

Clear Blue Water Angels

There are many stories in the Holy Scriptures to affirm Angels existence and their earthly missions. Angels Who Are They?

Angels are like us in terms of their characteristics. The only difference is that they are Spirit, Divine Light Beings. Their missions vary greatly and so do their areas of specialty in life. They help God and assist in carrying out task for the common good of all. We all have assigned Angels. Some Angels have been here on earth before and have lived virtuous and godly life. They gain the title Angel when they passed all their earthly lessons and lived permanently in God’s Kingdom an example will be Angel Jerome my Angel. There are other Angels who have never been on earth before yet carry out roles to serve for the common good like Angel Jermaine my other Angel.

Archangels and Angels over the centuries, in ancient eras and recent times have helped so many individuals. Master Jesus Christ our Messiah and Prophet Elijah are two examples where in the past as history foretold were assisted by Angels. The story of Prophet Elijah demonstrates the involvement of an Angel who came to visit him while he rested under a broom bush. He was provided with food and water and encouraged to carry on with his life journey.

Angels Are Like Guardians

Our Angels are like Guardians. The word guardian has few interpretations some of which are carer, custodian, overseer etc. They are our helpers in spirit. You can imagine Angels as Divine invisible parents who have been assigned to us by God to be our helpers while we school here on earth, Angels mean no harm. Probable that is why they got the added name “Guardian” as over the years Angles also became known as “Guardian Angels”.

In modern times testimonies of Angels, their interventions and Divine miracles continue to emerge. I for instance have had such experiences and encounters. My story still continues as it turned out differently, I am in constant link with my Angels (two of them) as stated earlier in this post. Previously it was unknown to me who my Angels were when the time came God unveil the veil that block in between us.

I now feel their presence. My Angels are like Guardians to me except they are in spirit. I get to communicate with them, they help me with my spiritual development and awareness beside God who revealed to me who I am as a spirit in a human form, my soul family, the things I like and dislike, they defend, protect, guide, I get to ask them questions and so much more. From my experience with my Angels, Angels are like a Divine definition of Divine love like our Creator God they do not do evil. It is untrue that one of our Angel is good and the other is evil and tempts you to do evil or bad. They are rather Light Divine Beings guide you in life to become Light and teach you so many things all out of pure Divine Love like God.

Our Connections With Angels

Each person has assigned Angels since birth because of free will given to us, Angels turn not to interfere in our daily activities except on rear occasions and during crucial moment when necessary they have to intervene because our lives maybe coming to an end earlier then destined or when we are in serious danger which shouldn’t be happening. When such events happen, we get marvelled and may describe them as miracles.

In recent time God has now removed the veil that block us and our Angels so many people are able to connect, communicate, and feel the presence of their Angels. There are times the Archangels and Ascended Masters will work side by side with you and your Angels depending on the lessons needed to be learnt.

We individually have our life plan and everything about us mapped before coming to earth. Our Angels knows our Divine soul purpose and life mission from the beginning to the end. The earth is like a school ground we are here for a purpose, to learn and spiritually evolve. We need to trust, have faith, hope and believe in God, and our Angels as they are real and do exist to help us on our journey like Master Jesus Christ and Prophet Elijah experienced during their time here on earth. As Guardian Angels, Angels are overseers who have the best of our intentions at heart. They want us to pass our Divine soul purpose and life mission. When we do good we get rewarded, likewise when we do bad we get the necessary disciplines. These are all done to assist our soul growth and to build our spiritual wealth to be Light (Holy).

Featured picture From Pixabay

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