Beginner Steps In Purification Process: Spiritual Journey

Wingflower Spiritual

Here I look at beginner steps in purification process that one can engage in when considering to pursue a spiritual journey and live a spiritual life to stay connected to God. This is not comprehensive but rather small gradual tips on how to make a start.

Our Divine God and His Helpers of Archangels, Angels, and Ascended Masters knows our hearts and the effort we make towards trying to live a spiritual life. Spiritual experience and practices will vary from person to person, everyone is different and unique in their own way.

Quick summary of the steps:

1. Make a conscious change of mind to be spiritual
2. Move towards higher energies of Light away from lower energies of Darkness
3. Self-knowledge is key, know your true (authentic self) Divine Higher-self or Soul or Spirit
4. Have in place continuous daily spiritual practices and activities
5. Continuously enhance and sustain your spiritual life

By starting from Beginner stage to purify your self in your spiritual journey you build some knowledge on the purification process and it is a stepping stone into recognising your Divine personal spirituality, practices and activities. This then progresses on to Intermediate Stage where one gains more spiritual awareness into their individual Divine personal spirituality and spiritual practices and activities. At this stage, you begin to know what sits comfortably well with you. Maturity Stage will be the last where during purification process in a spiritual journey you acquire increase abilities and knowledge of understanding into your Divine personal spirituality, spiritual practices and activities and the concept in general.

Beginner steps in purification process will include

1. Make a Conscious Change of Mind to Be Spiritual

Purification is about cleansing and healing. The intention behind the process and pursuit of spiritual journey is of great significance. Begin by making a conscious change of mind, thoughts and actions. Intentions towards our reason to engage in an activity makes a whole difference as it affects our actions. It means we are consciously making a decision which will trigger us to move forward with a plan of action.

Making a conscious change of mind with positive intention to pursue a spiritual journey and live a spiritual life helps one change their ways of living in the past, present and see into the future with optimism the benefits of becoming spiritual. Your plan of action becomes clear as you recognise what you really want to achieve and why you want to do what you have in mind, you are not stuck in the middle with hesitation, undecided or thinking of undertaking without a purpose and personal outcome.

Also, it helps distinguish life activities in the past that did not help, those that are still in the present and you want to gradually move away from, and adapting to new routines in line with your desired new spiritual lifestyle. As you consciously make up your mind to change you set yourself new boundaries, personal goals and values, life direction and a whole new lens of how you view life and the world around you.

2. Move Towards Higher Energies of Light Away from Lower Energies of Darkness

The next step after making a conscious change of mind to be spiritual is the transformation towards higher energies of Light such as being loving of yourself and others, be full of positivity, compassionate, charitable, and kindness. Disengage from lower energies of Darkness such as negativity, jealousy, violence and greed.

An article in Psychology Today addressed how nearly 70% of our thoughts and assumptions are made up of negativity. This is a very disturbing discovery as this blind us from seeing the positives and good intentions in others and in situations when they come our way. There are consequences of losing opportunities, not making good judgement or making bad decision when we think and assume negatively at all times, these can have certain devastating effects sometimes irreversible. Imagine the change of 70% negativity into positivity, the huge impact and difference this will make in our lives and our world.

Being Light at all times with the right qualities, virtues, and practices makes a person experience literally what the word insinuates Light. Besides the spiritual advantages, there are mental, physical and social rewards. The feel of heaviness of darkness somewhere in your mind will no longer be there, many areas of your life becomes free from what previously held you back which can be almost an obstacle in some form making it difficult for any progression in life plus you can associate more with others.

3. Self-knowledge is Key, Know Your True Authentic Self

From conscious change of mind to being Light at all times, the next step is self-knowledge. Acknowledge and know your true authentic self which is your Divine Higher-self (Soul or Spirit). Think about the reason for your existence in regards to your Divine soul purpose and life mission.
As God begins to awakens the soul as part of the purification process, we are able to communicate with our Divine Higher-self or Soul by asking certain personal life questions. In addition to this, you can begin to know your Divine Higher-self by paying close attention to your heart and feelings, the things you like and dislike. Begin to view yourself objectively know the good and the bad about yourself. Recognise your mistakes, perfections and imperfections and accept them for what they are.

As souls in human form we are here to learn and advance. Mistakes in life are bound to happen as the earth is a school ground for us, mistakes in life are eminent and cannot be eliminated. It is part of the learning process and soul advancement. No one is perfect, besides imperfection is perfection in itself, we build on things and improve as we go along and not to remain static, life is dynamic. As you develop self-knowledge to be your authentic self and get to know your Divine higher-self, love yourself for who you are and embrace every aspect of your being.

4. Daily Spiritual Practices and Activities

This step involves implementing continuous daily spiritual practices and activities that include praying, meditating, listening to spiritual tunes, singing songs of praise, going to holy place of worship to fellowship with God, reading the holy scriptures, contemplation, acknowledging the good in all things, be loving to yourself and others, eating healthy, making healthy lifestyle choices, be thankful to our Divine God and His Helpers of Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters for their continuous support and all the blessings in your life.

The list can go on and on. I have written a separate post on this topic Daily spiritual practice with a list of some examples of spiritual practices one can engage in with God this Strengthens your Spirituality with Him. Do have a look and add to the list here. Only go with those that resounds with your Divine Higher-self (Soul or Spirit), you will know when they feel right.

5. Continuously Enhance and Sustain Your Spiritual Life

From conscious change of mind to be spiritual to begin Light always, through to gaining self-knowledge by knowing your Divine Higher-self to routine daily spiritual practices and activities, the next step is to continuously enhance and sustain your spiritual life. Reflect from time to time to gain insight into your spiritual journey and practices.

We may all not like change as it can be a bit difficult and challenging at times. This is a change in lifestyle from old ways of living and doing things to new beginning and discoveries. As a beginner on a spiritual journey, continuously enhance and sustain your spiritual life by maintaining and practicing the steps stated here on daily basis.

Doing this ensure you have some level of measure to gauge your progression to move forward into the new positively and then progress on to subsequent purification process stages in your spiritual journey and not to get frustrated or backslid. It’s very important to maintain your spiritual living and relationship with God and grow from strength to strength in your spiritual pursuit.

Your Divine Higher-self knows the way and what your true spiritual desires are here on earth, certain actions may come about naturally as your Soul or Spirit recognises what works best for you, they will never be the same with others.

As Julie of Light Omega writes “as one takes the first steps in the direction, the inner knowing of the next steps that need to be taken will be revealed, not by thinking about this, but through the revelation of the soul to the heart and mind so that one knows what is needed”.

Learning Curve

Learning and paying attention to what works and what doesn’t work for you is key in your transformation. I will advise against rushing to do things for the sake of doing or undertaking spiritual quest because you want to please others.

When learning curve is gradual it enables adapting gracefully and from the heart when you purify the self in your spiritual journey. It also makes the experience you go through becomes worthwhile since it’s your unique path. You recognise what you are doing as it is personal, the value they hold and the positive results in your life. Your world view begins to change for good and you live life with a purpose.

There are certain inner and outer conditions only our Divine God can initiate. Our efforts alone are not enough to cleanse and heal us fully they are starting point. As you continue your spiritual journey through purification, your effort is not waster as our Divine God and His Helpers of Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters will assist you along with your Divine Higher-self or Soul or Spirit. Your path will become clearer and exclusive as our Divine leads and assist and your Divine Higher-self.

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