Prayers Are Powerful Spiritual Daily Practice 

Praying hands - Prayers Are Powerful

Prayers are very powerful spiritual daily practice and significant as it allows us to always stay connected and build continual relationship with our Divine God. Prayers are powerful spiritual daily practice and key (solution) to everything.

A prayer is a direct communication of appeal or request between individuals and our Creator God. This can be done alone or in groups at anytime, anywhere, and at all times. 

“Pray continually”. (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NIV)

There is no end to prayers as the above citation shows from the Bible shows. One must have faith, trust and believe in God when praying. 

Truthfully, our Divine Higher-self which is our inner spirit or soul is part of our Divine Source God as God is the Creator of Spirits. Praying is like connecting to have true and honest conversation with God who is our Creator and everything our Source so our main point of contact in life whilst here on earth. Our Divine God and His Helpers of Archangles, Angels and Ascended Masters already knows us, our life path, life problems and challenges, and have our best interest at heart. You are no outsider or stranger when you pray and bring your prayer requests before God. 

One can prayer for various reasons

As the saying goes “prayer is key” solution to everything part of our Spiritual living.

Individual motivation to pray can differ from person to person, the list can be endless, here are few examples: 

+    To thank our Divine God for everything 

+     We pray for 

  • Guidance in life 
  • Protection
  • For wisdom and knowledge
  • Healing
  • To discover our Divine soul purpose and life mission  

+    Pray when eating and after eating 

+    Pray when victorious and happy  

+    Pray in times of turbulences

How is prayer performed

As a spiritual being you can pray by honestly talking about your needs and putting in earnest request to God. Expressing gratitude in all things good or bad. You can envision a prayer like open up to talk to your parents, children or friends. Telling them about your life dramas, difficulties, winnings, or anything. You share with them because you believe they understand and have your best interest at heart. You depend on them as well as trust them to help without fail or disappointment when you need a lending hand, such is the nature of praying to our Divine Father and Creator God. Usually prayers are done in private where the eyes are close when praying, this is to eliminate any destructions in sight. Shutting the eyes helps you to stay focus. 

Our Divine God and His Helpers are Spirits like the air around us always open to hear us. Pray and speak to our Divine Spirit at anytime and anywhere with faith and believe that you are always being heard and pay close attention to what happens in your life as this enhances your relationship with our Divine God when answers or solutions to your prayers comes through. This strengthens your Divine personal Spirituality with God.   

Ways of praying

There are numerous ways and postures to pray. 

Individuals can pray: 

+ Out loud

+ In Silence 

+ By murmuring 

+ While sitting down 

+ Laying down

+ Standing

+ Mental prayers

In addition, some pray with their hands clasped together. Others will prefer to kneel down and pray or kneel down with heads bow down.

Tongues prayer is also another way to pray. This is a spiritual gift from our Divine God, not many will recognise this when it happens to individuals who can pray in this manner.

The list above is not limited, individuals can pray wherever convenient.  Ways to pray will come about naturally depending on one’s circumstance and how their Divine Higher-self or Spirit resonates. 

Finishing a prayer with Amen

Saying Amen at the end of a prayer means “so be it”. Suggesting you are in agreement in regards to your prayers with God.

You can finish off a prayer with “in God’s name and His beloved son Jesus Christ I pray Amen”.

Tips when praying

When praying concentrate on your prayers, do all you can to get rid of any back of the mind thinking or any unwanted thoughts as this will distract your prayers. It cannot be two things at the same time.

You have our Divine God and His Helpers attention as soon as you consciously or unconsciously pray. It’s like a knock on the door.  Also, it is very important to pay close attention to what happens in your life when you pray since things happens and this enhances your Divine personal spirituality relationship with our Divine God when answers or solutions to your prayers comes through.  

You are not a stranger in God’s sight when you decide to pray. Strong faith, trust and believe in our God when you pray provides answers and solution to life problems, difficulties, troubles and trials. You stay strongly regularly linked to our God, and His Helpers of Archangels, Angels, and Ascended Masters when you pray and live a Spiritual life. 

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